Introducing The New Babblevoice: the next generation of healthcare telephony

13 May 2024

The second quarter of 2024 marks a new dawn for babblevoice as we begin to deliver our most significant development to date to our customers’ surgeries.

                An abstract representation of a cloud computer network

The New Babblevoice (babblevoice 2.0) will look very much like the telephony system our surgery teams know well. Our users will recognise the same intuitive natural English commands; our patient record pop-ups and keyboard shortcuts will feel familiar.

But the digital brains behind the scenes will be radically different. The culmination of years of redesign, redevelopment, and refining will be realised with significant transformative benefits for primary care.

Increased reliability & robustness

Our customers will see increased system stability and overall reliability. We currently achieve 99.99% reliability and The New Babblevoice will enable us to increase this even further – we are aiming for 99.999%.

We have painstakingly built, from the ground up, our own in-house developed comms software. Instead of being constrained by the limitations of off-the-shelf products, we have designed something new - purpose-built for healthcare with built-in AWS supported stability.

The New Babblevoice is uniquely designed for the unique communications environment that is primary care.

Improved responsiveness

Surgery teams will also find The New Babblevoice’s responsiveness is improved. By utilising scalable AWS server networks, the system can swiftly switch multiple servers on and off to match the peaks and troughs of demand.

In addition, by writing our new software in an extensible fashion, we’ve made it super simple to seamlessly integrate with other clinical systems, all of which provides a smoothly responsive user experience.

Improved energy efficiencies

By developing The New Babblevoice in-house, we’ve been able to build-in green credentials at every step.

As leaders in net zero solutions, AWS are an excellent choice of partner to help us with our sustainability ambitions. By carefully selecting hardware such as ARM processors (that use 27 times less power than Intel processors), we have focused on driving down energy use across the whole system.

Our deliberate use of highly efficient code enables The New Babblevoice to maximise the number of phone calls it handles per unit power of processing. And the migration to AWS cloud servers means the system can switch off some of the servers when they are not needed – again saving energy.

Improved value for money

Our ambition with The New Babblevoice is to realise cost efficiencies from our energy-minimising design. In time, this value can be passed to our customers, helping surgeries to drive down their telephony costs.

Founder-led expertise

Fundamental to this latest chapter is the leadership from our original founders, Antoine Lever and Nick Knight.

As the technical lead, Nick has spearheaded the development of The New Babblevoice. It’s no coincidence that the systems’ innovation, independent design, and groundbreaking approach all mirror elements of his own personality.

Nick has fostered a level of in-house technical expertise that is unusual in the telephony industry. Together with a rich understanding of the comms needs of primary care built from over ten years of exclusive focus, The New Babblevoice delivers a new level of quality, agility and future-proof design.

“This new development embodies the way babblevoice is so different to other telephony solutions. It’s very rare for a company to have the technical knowledge and ability that we have in-house. The more common route is to take a set of pre-existing technical products made by someone else, and ‘glue’ them together to create a finished product. We have taken a completely different approach which is a game changer both for babblevoice and the healthcare telephony industry.”

Nick Knight, Co-founder & Operations Director

If you’d like to find out more about The New Babblevoice and its associated new and enhanced tools and features, all focused on supporting surgeries to better care for patients, practice, and staff, please get in touch.

“We are already well known for our “four nines” reliability (99.99%). But thanks to the innovative and distributed nature of babblevoice 2.0, we will raise this to “five nines” and achieve 99.999% reliability. This will result in surgeries seeing an average of an additional 16 hours of uptime spread throughout the year. We fully understand that in a busy surgery, literally every second counts.”

Antoine Lever, Co-founder & Commercial Director

The perfect prescription?

If your practice staff is presenting with high phone costs, functionality that doesn't add value, and unhelpful onerous contracts, then get in touch. We can talk through your requirements and arrange a demonstration.

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